

Here's how pathetic I am.

When I joined diaryland, I spent tons and tons of time reading random and not so random blogs. My buddy list grew like a fricking beanstalk.

The problem is, I can't keep up with all the blogs I've got bookmarked. and the red highlights on my buddy list just scream, "COME ON, DANIELLE! READ US!"

Having been raised Catholic, I have major guilt about removing people from my buddy list, because I don't want them to feel bad. Actually, it's pretty damn egotistical of me to think people even give a rat's ass whether or not I take them off my favorites. So I just pretend it's Catholic guilt instead.

I've decided be a grown up and just scale down my list. Sandy cleansed herself recently...she's my inspiration. I'm limiting myself to ten blogs on my buddy list. I can deal with ten.

I just know if the red highlights aren't staring me in the face, I can get a lot more work done.

Like chatting on AIM.

joeparadox at 4:17 p.m.

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