
Random Facts

Random things about me...

1. I can shoot spit from under my tongue. I am pretty confident my range is somewhere between 5-10 feet.

2. My shoe size is 8.

3. I've never worn braces on my teeth. One of my wisdom teeth came in. I can feel another beginning to poke through my gum.

4. I love Shaker, Mission and Arts and Crafts style.

5. I collect kitchen gadgets and subscribe to Gourmet magazine, but I don't cook every day. I've been having pickles for dinner lately.

6. My toenails are red and I wear a silver toe ring on the second toe of my left foot.

7. I'm a Capricorn. I was born January 14, 1970.

8. I love cosmetics.

9. When I'm sitting at my computer, I put my feet up on my printer.

10. The very first CD I ever bought was Sting's "The Dream of the Blue Turtles." I still have it.

11. My first kiss was a horrible experience.

12. I love beets and rutabaga.

13. Every girl should be raised by a dad like mine. My dad's the bomb.

14. When I was younger, I used to drink root beer, hold my brother down, spit over his face and suck it back up just before the spit landed on him. He got big and kicked my ass around.

15. I have two sleep patterns...I'm up every hour, or I'm dead to the world. Usually, it's the former. When I lived in France, the divided shadow box full of trinkets on the wall over my bed fell off the wall, broke the headboard of the bed and landed on my face. I slept right through it.

16. I love the rain.

17. I haven't gotten a moving violation in over ten years. I have gotten many parking tickets, however.

18. I failed my road test the first time. I cried. My mom wouldn't let me stay home from school.

19. I make statements, create theories and spout generalizations which I frequently retract.

20. I am an elementary school teacher.

joeparadox at 6:16 p.m.

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