

Here's a weird question.

When was the last time you vomited?

I need to know these things about people.

I absolutely hate to vomit. I would rather pull out every hair on my head one strand at a time than throw up.

This is the main reason why I don't drink. I cannot ingest alcohol without vomiting. You can read all about that here.

I spent a good portion of last year throwing up due to a raging infection in my body caused by an endometrial cyst on one of my ovaries. A week in the hospital and a month at home on intravenous antibiotics took care of the infection and the persistent vomiting, thankfully. I can't remember a more miserable time in my life.

Enough about me. Back to you. When was the last time you vomited and why? I just think I'll feel so much closer to you if I know this.

Or, it'll make me puke.

joeparadox at 3:17 p.m.

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